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Media Buyer 招聘-以色列企业PLYmedia

huayang  • 

Media Buyer - China Office

MEDIA BUYER – PLYmedia (Beijing office)


我们的全套解决方案利用成熟的预测引擎,可提供高达 99% 的预测精度及效果驱动型实时竞价 (RTB)。通过结合有助于保护广告主和媒体免于问题流量和劣质供需的业务规则,我们的解决方案可产生最高水准的可转换库存,真正最大化广告网络效果。


我们正在寻找一个高度专业和辉煌的媒体广告投放专员(Media Buyer)在PLYmedia 北京分部




1. 开发和管理媒体资源,提出传播形式创新建议

3. 掌握互联网媒介发展动向,分析各媒介特点,为公司提供合理化建议综合成本收益、广告形式和广告目的,选择媒介和媒介组合。

4. 分析广告投放的效果,结合数据对广告设置进行调整,为广告投放带来更高的投资回报率

5. 录入广告投放数据的日报,周报和月报等


Senior Media buyer

PLYmedia is a global next-generation ad-tech company (based in Israel) dedicated to developing the world’s leading performance-based ad exchange. Our PLYexchange™, launched July 2014, is used by global leading Advertising Networks. PLYmedia delivers a range of services focused on monetization and localization of media for content owners, advertisers and publishers. Together with our customers, we maximize the performance of Internet advertising.

As a fast-growing company of 100+ employees, we are constantly looking for talented, driven people to join us.

We are looking for a highly professional and brilliant Media Buyer person for our network in Beijing, China.

Our working environment encourages teamwork and openness. Together, we form a creative, professional, and motivated industry-leading force!

We are on the hunt for an experienced Media buyer!

We are looking for a strong, experienced Media Buyer. As a member of the Media Buying Team, this role is responsible for helping to develop accounts and affiliate relationships.


1. Develop and manage media resources and offer innovative media buying solutions.

2. Understand and follow Internet media trends, provide a comprehensive cost-benefit
rationalization proposal, forms of media and select media plans.

3. Analyze effects of advertising and data to adjust the settings and optimize to bring a higher ROI

4. daily, weekly and monthly data entering



1. 大专或以上学历

2. 有较强的理论基础和媒体运作经验,善于整合媒体资源;具备优秀的媒体策划及执行的能力对互联网技术有基础理解,了解互联网媒体环境,熟悉网络媒介策划及购买所需的知识;

3. 一年以上互联网公司全职媒介策划及购买的职位的工作经验优先考虑;

4. 互联网网络广告媒体从业经历,具有广泛的媒体资源和良好的合作关系,熟悉国外游戏媒体和国外网盟的优先考虑。


5. 具备良好的数据分析能力,能适应工作中频繁的接触数字和表格

6. 会使用Excell等办公软件

7. 具备良好的沟通能力,具备良好的英语写作能力,英语口语优秀者优先

8. 有创造力,了解用户所需,使广告能够吸引特定的用户群体

9. 对高科技公司文化感兴趣




1. Experience in buying display ad units for direct response and brand awareness

2. College degree or above.

3. Quick learner with strong theoretical foundation and media operation experience, good understanding of media resources; excellent media planning capabilities and the implementation of Internet technologies. understanding of the Internet media environment, familiar with media planning and purchase.

4. More than one year of full-time work experience in media planning and buying positions in internet companies.

5. online advertising media industry experience is a plus.

6. have good analytical skills, able to work with figures and tables as well as manage negotiation with customers online.

7.Excel and other office software knowledge.

8.Very advanced English writing/reading skills, excellent oral English is preferred

CV will be accepted in English only




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